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Sheetal’s Tips and Tricks to Sell property at a better value.

Dec 1, 2022  
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Selling a property is one of the most important decisions that anyone can make. There are many factors that affect your selling price. To Get the best deal for your property, Let your house stand out from the other nearby properties.

I knew, now you are thinking that “HOW?” There are some tips and tricks to work around while spending minimum time and money.

To make the best decision, You need to understand what is driving house sales in your neighborhood. While checking properties in your area, you also need to understand that the real estate market in Calgary is changing week by week, so do not rely solely on past sales.

Sheetal Cheema is an expert realtor having years of experience in the real estate market of Calgary, Alberta sharing some tips below to get the best value for your property.
So, here are some tips for “How to Sell Your Home for More Money?”

    • Find out and work with Local Experts (Connect with Sheetal)

      Calgary’s real estate marketing is changing faster than ever. So even if you are an investor or in the real estate industry, it’s very important to work with a real expert who has not just knowledge about properties but also about the market and their changes in the near future.

      Average homeowners buy or sell property only a few times in their whole life, so it is very important to get the best deal for the property.

      Finding a real estate agent for selling your property is one of the key decisions, and you should not take a chance on anything for less.

      Real estate agents might cost you a few % of your property cost, but the best real estate agent helps you to get the best deal, help you in standing out from the crowd, check and take care of all legal and laws, and market your property to get maximum exposure. An agent is not just a realtor but is a coach, backbone, and a true well-wisher of a homeowner that helps to take the right decision at the right time.

    • Schedule a good time to sell

      Selling a property in Canada? It’s very important to check the time of the year to sell your property. Research the past few years histories to find out the best time to sell your property. As an expert, I can suggest Spring is the perfect time to sell which will give you enough time to be in the market and wait for the expected sell price. In major cities of Canada, Homes listed in springtime get sold faster.

      However, You should also check the current market and make a decision, because many other factors can also affect the selling price, as we have seen in the last few years due to the bank’s interest rate market getting very ups and downs. Selling a house is also depending on how many buys are there in the market, more buyers mean a better selling price. Again the best agent can help you to choose the best time.

    • Set Listing price

      Every homeowner wants to get the best price for their property and also wants to sell it faster as possible, and it’s very tricky to get both done at the same level. Setting up a listing price is a very critical step in the selling process. Price should be attracting more buyers to sell a property quickly while considering homeowners get the best value. An agent performs market research to set listing price by matching multiple factors like recently sold houses in the neighborhood, the average rate per sqft in the market, considering extra features of the property, etc.

      You don’t want to take risk of putting a low listing price and don’t even want to scare buyers by setting up a very high listing price.

      Homeowners are very emotionally attached to their houses and every owner thinks that “what they have is the best” because they have invested their time and money emotionally and take the decision to set a higher price which will end up with a delay in selling.

      As an experienced realtor, Sheetal can take a stand and work with you emotionally while checking every aspect of the property and market, she will help you to set a listing price where you will get the best rate for each foot of your house.

    • Don’t accept the first offer

      It’s always advisable to not accept the first offer below listing price, as per expert says, buyers always set up some margin for negotiation. Wait for multiple offers and negotiate with the best offer. It is not always necessary that the highest amount offer is the best one, you should consider the whole bid agreement, and checkout for conditions. As there should be conditions for

      • Home Inspection
      • Mortgage approval
      • Down payment/Deposit payment
      • Condition for selling buyer’s current property

      You have to understand each condition of offers to choose the best one.

    • Repair and Makeover

      Every home buyer looking for the best property in the market with the best price, no one wants a messy broken house. Check for some essential repairs which might stop buyers to consider your property for buying. Those small investments help out in selling faster.  Also, do some cosmetic changes in the property, like paint, latest fixtures, and Latest appliances. These are some of the small costs that attract buyers more. Making property a “smart home” will help in attracting buyers too. An agent can suggest you some changes in the property which might be a small investment but can help in selling the property faster at the best rate.